
Brown Onions

This is the most common onion variety grown. The papery skins on these onions are golden to brown in colour and the flesh is white.  Brown onions have a strong flavour so are usually cooked rather than eaten raw.  These onions have a-low water content so they store well in cool, well-ventilated place that is preferably dark. 
Varieties include: Pukekohe Long Keeper; Early Long Keeper; Kiwi Gold. 

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Red Onions

Red onions are gaining in popularity.  Red onions have red to burgundy coloured papery skins and red tinged flesh. The shape of red onions varies with variety – Spanish type red onions are large round onions; Californian type reds are flatter in shape and have a milder flavour; Globe red onions have a stronger pungency and better storage qualities.

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